Our events

From interactive training experiences to after-work talks and film screenings, sounddelivery events offer charity professionals digital storytelling inspiration and a chance to develop their skills, knowledge and networks.

Support from partners means that our events are affordable for charities and organisations of all sizes.

Past Events

Festival of Learning

Join us for Sounddelivery Media’s inaugural Festival of Learning from 11-20 June, where a festival pass will give you access to a whole range of online masterclasses, learning lunches, peer meet-ups, wellbeing sessions, and a very special keynote speaker. These sessions will bring fresh skills, new inspiration, and best practice to social purpose organisations, with lived experience expertise at the heart.


Doing Justice Better: SDM in conversation

On Monday 15th April from 1-2:30pm Sounddelivery Media for an engaging topical conversation about a better way forward for justice in the lead up to a general election.

Find out more about our speakers and how to register here.

A Conversation on Suicide – from the perspectives of leaders with direct experience

Our SDM ‘In Conversation’ talks are lunchtime panels showcasing pioneering lived experience experts. In the inaugural panel members of our Spokesperson Network explored suicide prevention and the impact of bereavement. Find out more the event or catch up on YouTube.

Sounddelivery Media Talks 

Our #SDMTalks offer the opportunity for people with lived experience, the charity sector and media professionals to connect. Learn from the experiences of others and get inspired by exciting projects. Our events include talks from storytelling innovators, film screenings, and director and author Q&As about their work.

‘Behind Bars’ – Learning Lunch Q&A with Author Lady Unchained #SDMTalks

An insight into the experiences and processes behind the writing of Lady Unchained’s debut book ‘Behind Bars: On punishment, prison & release’. Lady Unchained performs extracts from the book and people ask questions about the stories and experiences behind its creation and how she hopes it will raise more awareness on the realities of the criminal justice system. Hear what Lady Unchained had to say here.

‘Cut Short’ – Learning Lunch Q&A with Author Ciaran Thapar #SDMTalks

We hosted a lunchtime Q&A on ‘Cut Short:Youth Violence, Loss and Hope in the City’ and how the author Ciaran Thapar worked with young people directly impacted by youth violence to put a spotlight on Britain’s serious youth violence epidemic, with chapters on subjects such as social media, gentrification and criminal justice. Watch Ciaran’s Q&A here.

Churchill Fellowship Applications – Learning Lunch Q&A #SDMTalks

Find out more about this unique opportunity from Churchill Fellows and the Churchill Fellowship Team on what it is, why you should apply and how. Several of the Sounddelivery Media Spokesperson Network are Churchill Fellows and have conducted international research on topics such as childhood bereavement by suicide, empathy infused services, legal support and restorative justice practices for young people. We know this is a unique opportunity and lots of our Spokesperson Network and wider networks could benefit greatly. Therefore we wanted to host a Q&A to allow our networks to find out more. Watch the Q&A here.

Contact Jude to discuss a Sounddelivery Media session for your event.

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Social Media Exchange

The Social Media Exchange was our previous annual creative day for the charity sector celebrating the power of digital storytelling and its potential to have a positive impact on the world around us.

Being the Story

Being the Story is an immersive storytelling event providing a platform for people who don’t normally have one, to inspire new ideas, challenge perceptions, and stimulate conversation on issues. Think social sector meets TedTalks. Being the Story will take you to the heart of social issues, and will demonstrate the power of storytelling as a catalyst for change.

Our Being the Story events, one-day in-person, evening and online, feature the stories of inspirational individuals which spark conversations, challenge perceptions and provoke ideas.

Our line up of dynamic speakers consider what “Being the Story” means through talks, digital content and performance. Organisations in the charity sector are trying to tell their stories in an increasingly crowded space. They want to be more authentic, yet many face barriers to telling their stories – particularly those working with vulnerable people. Being the Story demonstrates the power of firsthand storytelling and the many different creative ways to talk about important issues that need to be amplified.

Find out more about Being the Story.

“Being the Story has an energy, intimacy and originality which makes it such a unique and valuable experience for all those taking part as well as all those in the audience.”

Marina Cantacuzino, The Forgiveness Project

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