Debbie Iromlou
Debbie is the Co-Founder of the Adult Adoptee Movement and Founder of TAAN the Transracial adult adoptee network.
Debbie is the Co-Founder of the Adult Adoptee Movement and Founder of TAAN the Transracial adult adoptee network.
Debbie is the Co-Founder of the Adult Adoptee Movement. She is an Intercountry and Transracial adoptee who was born in 1968. Her birth origins are Kuwaiti Iranian. Debbie was raised in foster care in a white English community. When she was adopted as a teenager by her foster mother, she also discovered the truth about her parents.
Debbie has spent her life searching for birth relatives and cultural connections. Debbie is also the Founder of TAAN the Transracial adult adoptee network, a community of her peers. She has created and facilitates two support groups for adult adoptees in London.
Debbie uses her lived experience to help others heal and inform of the dislocation, alienation and isolation that occurs from being raised in a white foster or adoptive home without a biological identity or same race role models.
"I want to be a spokesperson because the voice of my own lived experience is the voice that can make a difference in this world."
Debbie Iromlou wrote ‘As an adult adoptee, I want to see children being put at the heart of adoption‘ for Children and Young People Now